October 15, 2010

Tynna's Wedding Cake

I shall just let the pictures speak for themselves. This process was so smooth, so well planned and so well executed that there's little to actually write about.

Except when I told Chris to take great care when he went in the freezer, and he stuck freezer mugs on top of the cakes and squished one. Oh, and when I didn't realize that a chocolate cake needs a gigantic layer of frosting before you put fondant overtop or you can see the brown through the white fondant. Or when I tried to re-use the fondant I took off the chocolate cake, and ripped it and tried to patch it up with squares of fondant and ended up having to do two layers of fondant to cover my messes because I ran out of buttercream. Or when I didn't realize that fondant becomes rock hard in the fridge until it warms up, and as a result had to change my design plan because I couldn't do the quilting effect.

But other than that, piece of cake. Pardon the pun.

P.S. I also made the flowers by hand with gumpaste. I'm quite proud of them.


  1. Wow, Shannon that cake is amazing!!!

  2. shannonnn! tynna's wedding cake looks sooo good!! i couldn't believe that you made it! (i mean that in a good way..haha) it looks so professional. keep up the good work Mrs. L! haha
    p.s. did you master your new signature yet?? hahah
