I love to create things, but most of my finished products are borne out of accidents. Reason being, when I get an idea in my head I have to do it NOW. This creative mania prevents me from proper planning.
In art class, you're taught to sketch your idea before you begin to paint it. In sewing you design the garment, create a pattern and then begin construction. When you write, you start with an outline before you write a novel. Not me, I jump right in the deep end.
Needless to say I end up with a lot of half-finished projects. Once in awhile though, I find new inspiration from the creations I've nearly ruined. They turn into something bigger and better than I had originally set out to make. Other times they turn out just okay. I am no Martha Stewart, as much as I'd like to be. But whatever the outcome, it's still satisfying to see that sometimes I can make gold out of a mountain of crap.